• Spencer Kaufmann, 2022 HVK Scholar

    Spencer Kaufmann, 2022 HVK Scholar

  • Alexander Holland, 2021 HVK Scholar

    Alexander Holland, 2021 HVK Scholar

  • Ashley English, 2020 HVK Scholar

    Ashley English, 2020 HVK Scholar

  • Michael Troka, Cecelia Zielke, Herbert V. Kohler, Jr., Noah Bartelt

    Michael Troka, Cecelia Zielke, Herbert V. Kohler, Jr., Noah Bartelt

  • Mary Goebel Noguchi

    Mary Goebel Noguchi

  • John Schueller

    John Schueller

  • Sonja Schoenwald

    Sonja Schoenwald

  • Kristina Finstad (Photo Credit: Ralph Clevenger)

    Kristina Finstad (Photo Credit: Ralph Clevenger)

  • Jordan Siemers

    Jordan Siemers

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HVK Recipients

Since 1969, the Kohler Foundation has awarded the Herbert V. Kohler Scholarship to truly exceptional Sheboygan County students. A review of past recipients reveals no overarching pattern; each recipient was selected because s/he was special. The Herbert V. Kohler Scholarship is primarily a leadership award. Recipients must be able scholars of course, but beyond that, they must be motivated to become leaders in their chosen fields. They must be people who want to do more, to contribute more. They must be people who have enough imagination to aspire and dream and yet enough common sense to plan realistically. Kohler Foundation believes that an individual can still make a difference in the world, and identifies those who really want to try --- by discovering new methods, by writing, by involvement in social action, by being among the best in whatever they choose to do.

Kohler Foundation looks for young people who are mature and ambitious, in a constructive way. We seek leaders who intend to use their talents not just to make a good living, but to make a better life for others.

 2023 - Abigail Wetzel, Sheboygan South High School

Abigail Wetzel, is a dedicated student, who during her time at Sheboygan South has made positive contributions to the school and this community. She has taken a rigorous slate of college prep classes, including accelerated, AP and vocational classes to prepare for a career in engineering. In addition to her exceptional academic standing, Abby has been involved in extra-curricular activities and has risen to leadership positions in Renewable Redwings, she is a founding member of Peers4Peers and is a Mentor/Actor for new members to the drama program. She also devoted time to participating in We Rise, a racial equity group. She is a state Champion in forensics for storytelling. She is a member of the National Honor Society and is part of the Red Team. This year she was recognized by the Society of Women Engineers with a certificate of Merit.  Abby plans to study Engineering at Purdue University in the fall and hopes to work for NASA.

2022 - Spencer Kaufmann, Etude High School

Spencer Kaufmann is a talented leader, facilitator, and engineer.  Through his FIRST Robotics and engineering experiences where he provided high quality robotics educational workshops at Mead Public Library, the Boys and Girls Club, and Etude Schools, he has already meaningfully contributed to the local community.  Spencer is currently attending the University of Minnesota Twin Cities to study mechanical engineering with a career goal of becoming an engineering project manager. 

2021 - Alexander Holland, Kohler High School

Having a drive to succeed and the ability to lead others is how Alex stands out. His desire is to make a difference for others through a career in artificial intelligence research is commendable.  Alex has been called “a natural problem solver and a young man who takes every opportunity to expand his knowledge and experience in science and computing.”  He is currently attending UW-Madison to study Computer Science and Mathematics. 

2020 - Ashley English, Sheboygan North High School

 Ashley English is a natural leader who leads creatively and justly.  She leads by thinking like an engineer and inventively approaching obstacles; by thinking like an artist, and seeking which designs create rhythm and beauty, and by thinking like a philosopher and an astronomer.  English will study mechanical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Her career goal is to become a mechanical/aerospace engineer.             

 2019 - Noah Bartelt, Sheboygan North High School

Noah will study Public Policy with a secondary major in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University.  He wants to make a change in our world by standing up for all and will take on this task with a career as a Civil Rights Attorney.

  2019 - Michael Troka, Plymouth High School

Michael is a bold and determined young man who wants to dig deeper and think bigger to benefit humanity in the field of regenerative dental medicine. Michael will study Biology and pre-Dental at the University of Pennsylvania. 

2019 - Cecelia Zielke, Kohler High School

Cecelia believes it is crucial for her generation to be a leader in sustaining biodiversity for the Earth's future.  She has graduated from Case Western Reserve University and is now attending graduate school in California.